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Golden Cashmere and silk shawl

800,00 €
Distinctive, natural and elegant, we believe perfection is developed from years of practice. Mirror in the Sky hand-felted cashmere products make a distinctive statement about quality and workmanship. For us, the ultimate expression of nature’s perfection is best achieved through the hands of an artisan. 

Each product in the Tibetan Collection goes through hours of refinement and processing. For one shawl, the felting process takes four women seven to eight hours and the total production time is more than 20 hours. All of our felting products are made by an ethical women’s cooperative in Kathmandu. 

With over five hundred female staff, the factory is one of the most inspiring and pleasant places you could ever want to visit. Picnic areas, free child and adult education, and open, airy production work-spaces are full of lively chatter and happy smiles.

Hand felted border with raw cashmere all around the silk.
Made by hand in Nepal.

Shawl: 100% Cashmere & Hand Felted Cashmere
Silk: 100% Silk
135x175 cm
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